3. marts 2017 arkiv

Vi vil ikke være stille

3. marts 2017

“Thank you to all the members of the Iowa City community who sang with me, and to all the people who participated in the Lift the Ban Rally in Iowa City, the Women’s March in Des Moines, and the Women’s March in Washington, D.C..
Very special thanks to Deb Talan and Steve Tannen for recording and mixing, to Mei-Ling Shaw for making the video, and to Jordan Sellergren for sharing the DC footage.
RESIST!” (Iris Dement)

Odetta was great

3. marts 2017

“Hun var en dyb sanger, en kraftfuld klimprende og hamrende måde at spille på” (Bob Dylan)

Breakin’ up i hard to do

3. marts 2017

“En af mine favoritter var Neil Sedaka, fordi han skrev og udførte sine egne sange” (Bob Dylan)

Under radaren: Courtney Marie Andrews

3. marts 2017

Endnu en ung dame (26!) med smag for musik med rødder. Courtney Marie Andrews har tre album bag sig. Det seneste Honest life (2016) har fået fine anmeldelser rundt omkring i medierne.Â