30. januar 2019 arkiv

Elvis Presley og traditionen

30. januar 2019

Man skulle tro, at alt var sagt og skrevet om The King, Elvis Presley. Men for øjeblikket er det muligt – på DRs hjemmeside – at se dokumentarfilmen The Searcher, der giver et billede af Elvis som en kunstner, der ikke bare var en fortolker af fortiden, men som en fordomsfri kunstner, der fra sin tidlige ungdom opsøgte og lyttede til blues- og gospelkunstnere. Og lod sin egen kunst tage farve at det indtryk, han fik. Det underbygges af den tredobbelt CD-udgivelse, der er lydsporet til dokumentaren.


50: The Beatles på taget

30. januar 2019

Ja, i dag er det et halvt århundrede siden, The Beatles for sidste gang optrådte offentligt som gruppe. På taget til Apple Corps, 3 Saville Row. Sammen med tangentspilleren Billy Preston nåede de at spille ni sange, inden det lokale politi stoppede festlighederne. Beatles’ optræden blev filmet og klippet blev en del af filmen Let it be. Nogle af sangene kom med på pladen Let it be (og opfølgeren Let it be…naked) og andre var med på Anthology 3.

Tagkoncerten betød både enden på Beatles’ tid som band, men demonstrerede også – som bl.a. Paul McCartney har fremhævet, at de faktisk var et velspillende lille band.

Apropos tagkoncerten så meddelses det i dag via Paul McCartney selv, at et nyt filmprojekt er i støbeformen:

“New Film Project
We are proud to announce an exciting new collaboration between The Beatles and the acclaimed Academy Award winning director Sir Peter Jackson

The new film will be based around 55 hours of never-released footage of The Beatles in the studio, shot between January 2nd and January 31st, 1969. These studio sessions produced The Beatles’ Grammy Award winning album Let It Be, with its Academy Award winning title song. The album was eventually released 18 months later in May 1970, several months after the band had broken up.

The filming was originally intended for a planned TV special, but organically turned into something completely different, climaxing with The Beatles’ legendary performance on the roof of Apple’s Savile Row London office — which took place exactly 50 years ago today.

Peter Jackson said, “The 55 hours of never-before-seen footage and 140 hours of audio made available to us, ensures this movie will be the ultimate ‘fly on the wall’ experience that Beatles fans have long dreamt about.”

“I was relieved to discover the reality is very different to the myth,” continues Jackson, “it’s simply an amazing historical treasure-trove. Sure, there’s moments of drama – but none of the discord this project has long been associated with. Watching John, Paul, George, and Ringo work together, creating now-classic songs from scratch, is not only fascinating – it’s funny, uplifting and surprisingly intimate”.

“I’m thrilled and honoured to have been entrusted with this remarkable footage – making the movie will be a sheer joy.”