Fra Lady Gaga til Radio Ga Ga og tilbage igen


Radio I’d sit alone and watch your light

My only friend through teenage nights

And evrything I had to know

I heard it on my radio

You gave them all those old time stars

Through wars of worlds – invaded by mars

You made em laugh – you made em cry

You made us feel like we could fly


So don’t become some background noise

A backdrop for the girls and boys

Who just don’t know or just don’t care

And just complain when you’re not there

You had your time you had the power

Youve yet to have your finest hour


All we hear is radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga

Radio blah blah

Radio what’s new?

Radio someone still loves you

We watch the shows – we watch the stars

On videos for hours and hours

We hardly need to use our ears

How music changes through the years

Lets hope you never leave old friend

Like all good things on you we depend

So stick around cos we might miss you

When we grow tired of all this visual

You had your time you had the power

Youve yet to have your finest hour


All we hear is radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga

Radio blah blah

Radio what’s new?

Someone still loves you

Radio ga ga

Radio ga ga

Radio ga ga


You had your time you had the power

Youve yet to have your finest hour


Med en teenager i huset får man sin portion mainsteampop, uanset om man ønsker det eller ej. Pop med billeder. Levende. For i dag skal det helst være multimedialt. Selv på mp3afspilleren er der plads til videoer. Og på cd’er klemmes der også filmmateriale ned. Undertiden få jeg så en forfærdelig lyst til at vende tilbage til dengang, jeg sad med hovedet inde i den lille Nordmende monoradio og lyttede til Program 3 – og når det gik højt Radio Luxembourg. Lets hope you never leave old friend/Like all good things on you we depend/So stick around cos we might miss you/When we grow tired of all this visual

Queen Radio Ga Ga

Lady Gaga Paparazzi (en ret gennemført video, når det nu skal være…)

De unge lytter mere til P4 end netmusik

2 thoughts on “Fra Lady Gaga til Radio Ga Ga og tilbage igen”

  1. Jeg “faldt” over den video og undrer mig stadig sÃ¥re over hvor meget og hvor stærkt og hvor umuligt det er klippet; jeg mÃ¥ lære at lytte til texten for at fÃ¥ nuancerne med! Men pÃ¥ den anden side ved jeg at et stort antal af mine medmennesker heller ikke fanger meningen eller det dybere budskab. Noget med uskyldig?

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