8. september 2019 arkiv

Vi er bare et sandskorn i universet

8. september 2019

Fordommen fortæller os, at popmusikken mestendels handler om hjerte og smerte og sjældent om de “dybere” og “alvorligere” ting. Som fx livet og døden. Og store filosofiske problemer. Men, men, det er nu ikke sandt. Hvis man kigger sangskatten igennem med en trimmekam, kan man godt finde fine eksempler på poptekster med eksistentiel o.a. dybde. Her er for eksempel Brian Wilsons “‘Til i die” (fra albummet Surf’s up, 1971), hvor Wilson med meget enkle ord og en meget, meget smuk melodi fortæller os, hvor uendeligt små vi er i verden. En prop, en lille sten, et blad…

I’m a cork on the ocean
Floating over the raging sea
How deep is the ocean?
How deep is the ocean?
I lost my way
Hey hey hey

I’m a rock in a landslide
Rolling over the mountainside
How deep is the valley?
How deep is the valley?
It kills my soul
Hey hey hey

I’m a leaf on a windy day
Pretty soon I’ll be blown away
How long will the wind blow?
How long will the wind blow?

Until I die

Until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die
These things I’ll be until I die

Bob Dylan – “in awe”

8. september 2019

Bob Dylan: “I’m in awe of McCartney. He’s about the only one that I’m in awe of. He can do it all. And he’s never let up. He’s got the gift for melody, he’s got the gift for rhythm, he can play any instrument. He can scream and shout as good as anyone, and he can sing a ballad as good as anyone. And his melodies are effortless, that’s what you have to be in awe of…. he’s just so damn effortless. I just wish he’d quit (laughs). Everything that comes out of his mouth is just framed in melody.”

Mick Jagger versus Donald Trump

8. september 2019
