18. september 2019 arkiv

Ja, hvorfor ikke? – Rod Stewart og The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

18. september 2019

Nej, hvorfor ikke. Rod Stewarts stemme kan sagtens matche det famøse orkester. Og den nye version af hittet “Sailing” illustrerer det såmæn ganske godt. Bortset fra, at det er et nummer, jeg aldrig har brudt mig om, så fungerer det fint.

Dagens citat: Neil Young om Bob Dylan

18. september 2019

“Bob Dylan, I’ll never be Bob Dylan. He’s the master. If I’d like to be anyone, it’s him. And he’s a great writer, true to his music and done what he feels is the right thing to do for years and years and years. He’s great. He’s the one I look to. I’m always interested in what he’s doing now, or did last, or did a long time ago that I didn’t find out about. The guy has written some of the greatest poetry and put it to music in a way that it touched me, and other people have done that, but not so consistently or as intensely. Like me, he waits around and keeps going, and he knows that he doesn’t have the muse all the time, but he knows that it’ll come back and it’ll visit him and he’ll have his moment.”
Neil Young
