Yndlings-Bob Dylan


I bought my first Dylan record – The Times They Are a-Changing [1964] – when I was 17, but to experience those early records in real time as he was releasing them must have been like being around when Shakespeare was creating new plays. Ballad of a Thin Man typifies the way Dylan’s songs shine a spotlight on the world and human truths. The derision in his finger-pointing at Mr Jones [“Something is happening and you don’t know what it is, do you?”] instilled in me at a young age that I did not want to be the person that didn’t understand or he’s calling out – the judge, the man in power. You want to be the person who knows what’s up. This song changed my life. [Gillian Welch]

The Guardian har fået den idé at få nogle koryfæer til at udvælge deres yndlings-Bob Dylan-sang. Fra Mick Jagger til Eleanor Friedberger. Jeg ved ikke, om jeg har en decideret yndlingssang med Dylan, men “Ballad of a thin man” står for mig som noget særligt, fordi det var første gang, jeg oplevede nogen – nemlig min gamle gymnasielærer i engelsk – forsøge at fortolke en Dylan-sang. Det var noget med eksamen og sådan. Siden har den stået centralt i min Dylanoptagethed.

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