25. november 2016 arkiv

Rullestenene er tilbage (hvis de da nogensinde har været væk…)

25. november 2016

The last thing you hear on the album, after a version of Willie Dixon’s I Can’t Quit You Baby crashes to a halt, is Mick Jagger asking uncertainly “was that OK?” He sounds like a man who’s still slightly awed by this music in its original form; who knows he’s still paying homage to artists he can never entirely grasp, whatever Keith Richards thinks. But the answer to his question is an unqualified yes: it’s more than OK, which is not something you can say about many Stones albums over the last 30 years.

Sådan opsumerer Akexis Petridis fra The Guardian sin anmeldelse af Rolling Stones seneste album Blue and Lonesome, hvor de (endnu engang) vender tilbage til de rødder, der altid har været deres musikalske iltforsyning.