28. september 2018 arkiv

Monkees bærer julen ind

28. september 2018

Oven på deres vellykkede come back med albummet Good Times forsøger de tilbageblevne medlemmer af tresserbandt The Monkees sig med et julealbum, Christmas Party. Juleplader plejer jo at sælge nogenlunde, så hvorfor kke….

Sumprockens far er tilbage: Tony Joe White

28. september 2018

Hyperproduktiv har han aldrig været, og altid tro mod sin særlige drevne udgave af swamp rock – og altid snublende nær det musikalske udspring i the blues. Måske aldrig så nær som på sin nye plade. Lyt til “Bad Mouting”.

At skrive bedre sange

28. september 2018

You are the sum of your influences when you start a band – you have to start somewhere. So the music you listened to when you started will influence the way you approach making music yourself initially. Inevitably you develop your own voice over time and become more confident in your own ability to create something, and I think that’s all we ever did. From then on, all we’ve ever tried to do is write better songs than the last batch of songs we did. I suppose that’s what most songwriters do? I love David Bowie, and from time to time he’d have a specific theme for his album and hire a whole new set of musicians, which is great. His music was amazing. Whereas we can’t really do that because of the way the band’s set up. In the main there’s been three of us writing the songs. We’ve always shared the writing duties, that’s how our group of people work. Every group has a different dynamic but that works for us and has done over the years.

[Norman Blake/Teenage Fanclub – til Drowned in Sound]

John Prine og det uafvendelige

28. september 2018