29. marts 2016 arkiv

Surf noir: Raveonettes – Excuses

29. marts 2016

I love piecing things together, It’s so inspiring working on bits and pieces and make them happen together in a beautiful way. “Excuses” is a great example of that, helps my ADD. Furthermore, being surrounded by creative, inspiring, mad people is so crucial to anything in life really but when you encounter the opposite it’s so sad and a major drag to say the least, “Excuses” is kinda about that.

Sune Rose Wagner

I love piecing things together, It’s so inspiring working on bits and pieces and make them happen together in a beautiful way. “Excuses” is a great example of that, helps my ADD. Furthermore, being surrounded by creative, inspiring, mad people is so crucial to anything in life really but when you encounter the opposite it’s so sad and a major drag to say the least, “Excuses” is kinda about that.

Read More: The Raveonettes share March single “Excuses” | http://www.brooklynvegan.com/the-raveonettes-share-march-single-excuses/?trackback=tsmclip

I love piecing things together, It’s so inspiring working on bits and pieces and make them happen together in a beautiful way. “Excuses” is a great example of that, helps my ADD. Furthermore, being surrounded by creative, inspiring, mad people is so crucial to anything in life really but when you encounter the opposite it’s so sad and a major drag to say the least, “Excuses” is kinda about that.

Read More: The Raveonettes share March single “Excuses” | http://www.brooklynvegan.com/the-raveonettes-share-march-single-excuses/?trackback=tsmclip

I love piecing things together, It’s so inspiring working on bits and pieces and make them happen together in a beautiful way. “Excuses” is a great example of that, helps my ADD. Furthermore, being surrounded by creative, inspiring, mad people is so crucial to anything in life really but when you encounter the opposite it’s so sad and a major drag to say the least, “Excuses” is kinda about that.

Read More: The Raveonettes share March single “Excuses” | http://www.brooklynvegan.com/the-raveonettes-share-march-single-excuses/?trackback=tsmclip

Case-Lang-Veirs – rockens svar på Kinderægget?

29. marts 2016

I hvert fald skal samarbejdet, som jeg allerede har omtalt, være velkomment. Tre af de bedste yngre singer-songwriters på spinnesiden i unik enighed. Hvad kan man næsten forlange mere? Singleudspillet “Best kept secret” udkommer formelt i morgen – og hvis du har svært ved at afspille den ovenfor, kan du også høre den på trioens hjemmeside – her.